Editing Data in an Existing Chart
To edit the data in an existing chart, you must first open the Chart Data Editor and
then enter your new data. As you edit the data, the chart is immediately updated to
reflect the new data.
Chapter 9
Creating Charts from Data

Chapter 9
Creating Charts from Data
To open the Chart Data Editor and edit the data:
Select the chart.
Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Chart inspector button, and then click Edit Data.
You can also choose Format > Chart > Show Data Editor.
Select the table cells in the Chart Data Editor and type your data into them.
To learn more about editing the data in the Chart Data Editor, including switching
the data series to use rows or columns, see steps 2 and 3 of “Adding a New Chart and
Entering Your Data” on page 138.
Updating a Chart Copied from a Numbers Document
If you’ve created a chart in Numbers, you can copy it and paste it into your Keynote
presentation. After it’s been pasted into Keynote, the chart remains linked to the data
tables it references in Numbers. To change the chart data, open the original Numbers
document and edit the data there, save the Numbers document, and then refresh the
chart data in Keynote.
To update a chart after you’ve updated its data in its linked Numbers table:
Select the chart on the slide canvas and click the Refresh button that appears.
Note: You must save the Numbers document before copying and pasting your chart
into your Keynote presentation and after editing the Numbers data tables that the
chart references.
To unlink the chart from the Numbers tables:
Select the chart on the slide canvas and click Unlink.
After unlinking the chart, it behaves as any chart created in Keynote, and must be
updated using the Chart Data Editor.
Clicking the Source link next to the Refresh button opens the Numbers document that
the chart is linked to. (If the Source link is hidden, expand the Refresh button control
panel by dragging its handle outward.)