Keynote - Commenting on Slides

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Commenting on Slides

As you work on your slideshow, you can add comments to slides. For example, you
could use comments to remind yourself of changes you want to make to the slide. Or
you can use comments to communicate with others with whom you’re collaborating
in developing a presentation. (Comments are different from presenter notes; to learn
about writing notes that you can use to prompt you during your presentation, see
“Adding Presenter Notes” on page 202.)

Comments are always on top of the slide canvas, so they may obscure parts of your
slide. Simply drag the comments out of the way, hide them, or resize them.

Add comments to slides.

You can easily show and

hide comments.

You can move comments anywhere on the slide canvas. If you have your own
presenter display while making a presentation, you can see your comments but your
audience can’t. However, during your presentation you won’t be able to hide, move, or
resize comments that might obscure parts of your slide in the presenter display.

Here are ways to work with comments:
To add a comment, click Comment in the toolbar or choose Insert > Comment. Type a


note, idea, or reminder, and then drag the comment wherever you want to place it on
the canvas.
To hide or show comments, click View in the toolbar and choose Hide Comments or


Show Comments.

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To resize a comment, drag the lower-right corner.


To delete a comment, click the X in the upper-right corner.


To format a comment, see instructions in “


Creating Outlined Text” on page 52 and

“Filling an Object with a Solid Color” on page 100.
To print slides with comments showing, make sure the comments are visible on the


slide canvas before you print.


Chapter 3

Creating and Managing Slides

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Add free text boxes to create labels, captions, and more.

Select text and modify its appearance and alignment within

text boxes, shapes, and table cells. Change the look of bullets

or turn bulleted lists into numbered lists.

Keynote makes your points stand out with sharp, clear text on every slide. Every
theme features beautifully styled text, but it’s always easy to customize it. Using
the Text inspector, you can change the look of bullets, or turn bulleted points into
numbered steps.

Adding text to placeholder text boxes is as easy as typing into them. And you can place
text anywhere on a slide by adding a free text box at the touch of a button. And all text
can be restyled with your preferred colors, fonts, line-spacing, ligatures, and more.

Selecting Text

Before you format or perform other operations on text, you need to select the text—
or the text box containing the text—that you want to work with. When selecting
text directly, such as a single word, line, or paragraph, you can use several keyboard
shortcuts to make it easier.

Here are ways to select text:
To select one or more characters, click in front of the first character and drag across the


characters you want to select.
To select a word, double-click the word.


To select a paragraph, triple-click in the paragraph.


To select all text in a document, choose Edit > Select All.


To select blocks of text, click the start of a text block, and then click the end of another


text block while holding down the Shift key.
To select from the insertion point to the beginning of the paragraph, press the Up


Arrow key while holding down the Shift and Option keys.