Printing Your Slides
You can print your Keynote slideshow in a variety of ways to meet different needs. You
can print slides with or without notes or comments, or you can print the slideshow in
outline or handout format.
To print slides:
To print comments, make sure comments are visible on the slide canvas (click View in
the toolbar and choose Show Comments).
Choose File > Print.
If the printing options described below aren’t visible, click the disclosure triangle next
to the Printer pop-up menu to reveal them.
To print one slide or a range of slides, use the From and To text fields to enter the slide
number or range.
You can see slide numbers in the slide navigator.

To specify Keynote print options, choose Keynote from the Copies & Pages
pop-up menu.
Select which layout of
slides and handouts you
want to print.
Convert the set of slides
to a PDF file.
Select print
formatting options.
Choose Keynote from
this pop-up menu.
Select a Print option:
Individual Slides: Prints one slide per page without presenter notes.
Slides With Notes: Prints one slide per page with presenter notes.
Outline: Prints only the slide titles and bulleted text (what you see in outline view in
the slide navigator). Text in free text boxes doesn’t print.
Handout: Provides options for putting more than one slide on a page. To speed up
the printing of handouts, select “Draft-quality printout.”
Select print formatting options:
Print selected slides only: Prints only the slides you selected in the slide navigator
before you choose File > Print. (To select multiple slides in the slide navigator, hold
down the Command key or Shift key as you select slides.)
Don’t print slide backgrounds or object fills: Background color or objects don’t print;
light text prints as black. This option is especially useful for printing colorful slides on
black-and-white printers. On black-and-white printers, color images print in grayscale.
On color printers, imported graphics files on each slide still print in color.
Print each stage of builds: Prints one slide image for each stage of an object build. (A
slide with a three-stage object build prints as three slides.)
Include skipped slides: Prints all the slides in the slide navigator, even if some are
marked as skipped.
Add borders around slides: Prints a line around the edges of each slide.
Include slide numbers: Prints the number at the bottom of each slide.
Include date: Prints the date on each slide.
Print high resolution 3D Charts: Enhances print quality for 3D charts.
Chapter 11
Viewing, Printing, and Exporting Your Slideshow

Chapter 11
Viewing, Printing, and Exporting Your Slideshow
Use page margins: Keeps the slide borders within the printer margins.
Click Print.